The Advent, not an imaginary tale

As a child, I read countless children’s stories beginning with “once upon a time”. I loved tales set in an imaginary world: “Snow White”, “Hansel and Gretel”, and “Cinderella”.  Sadly, most people think any story that begins with “once upon a time” is fiction.


What if we agreed to use the phrase to simply designate something which happened a long time ago? It is not fiction. Our Advent story does not take place in an imaginary world, but it is a real event that took place on planet earth.


However, there is a wondrous element to this historical record. The God of Love decides to redeem mankind to Himself.  No dwarves exist in this story, no children wander through the forest following breadcrumbs, and no carriage is transformed from a pumpkin. The account of the Advent fulfills prophecy foretold at the dawn of history.


In this best once upon a time, there is a bed of straw where the Son of God slept as a baby.  The Gospel narrative later describes the splintered cross where the adult Jesus dies to rescue us:  All of our shame and sin was nailed to that tree with Him. Then there is that brilliant third day in which Christ the Conqueror rises from the dead.

God cannot lie and He cannot fail. This once upon a time is based on the truth of God Himself. That is why we can join the multitudes of angels and creation in singing, Praise to the King of kings! Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, our Messiah, Name above every name, gloria in the highest!

This once upon a time is enough for me. Is it enough for you?

Once upon a midnight clear…Born now in Bethlehem. Once upon a bed of straw slept the Sovereign Son of God. Once upon a splintered cross Jesus died to rescue us, all of our shame and sin nailed to the tree with Him. Christ the Conqueror was raised. “Praise to the King of kings!” Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, our Messiah, Name above every name, gloria in the highest