“Planting: How to create a powerful mindset that anticipates comebacks”

“You are not your label!” That’s on the cover of Demi Tebow’s book, “A Crown That Lasts”. Of course, as I’m glancing at the cover picture, I don’t think it would hurt to be labeled as blond, gorgeous, and a former Miss Universe. So, what in the world do I have in common with Tim Tebow’s wife? (By the way, he is also gorgeous and athletic)


Halfway through the book is a section entitled “Planting: How to create a powerful mindset that anticipates comebacks”. Though we are life experiences apart (I will never be Miss Universe), Demi has a section which deals with the concept of reframing. Rather than looking back at something that hurt deeply and bearing those scars as permanent handicaps, instead look back and begin to pull some positive things you learned.


For example, when I was growing up my parents were absentee parents. It was not a deliberate choice, but they had me later in life and were both workaholics. They were either not present to communicate or else not mentally present to communicate. In some ways they loved me, but their love language in no way coincided with mine. I developed a truckload of hurts I carried around for years because of this.

To illustrate, when I had my first boyfriend, not only did my mom and I never talk about him, but she never asked me what we were doing or where we were. She was mentally absent when I really needed a mom. I was naive as naive can be.

So, dial forward many many years. What positive things can I reframe those hurts with? What good came out of those experiences? I woke up in the middle of the night and began thanking God for these results of my experience:

I decided that when I had children, I would parent by not doing what my mom did.

I learned to write, because there was no one at home who wanted to hear me.

They drove me to God as my Protector.

I learned that no one is going to come in to fix things for me, so no matter what the project is, whether a craft, mechanical, or electronic, I can usually figure out the logic.


All of these things I am deeply grateful for. I challenge you this week. Pull one of those dark memories from your past and try to begin reframing how you see it. I’m not saying to ignore the hurt. I’m asking what positive things or experiences came about to make that a planting season, rather than a season of complete devastation. It is surprising some positive thoughts that can come about in the middle of the night.

But I do more than thank. I ask—ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of glory—to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for his followers, oh, the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust him—endless energy, boundless strength! (Ephesians 1:18-19)