I discover a leaf lying on the bottom of the bag.  I grab it impatiently, but on my short journey to the trash can I notice its beauty.

Image of Renee's leaf

It is a hectic season. Responsibilities with work, family and church overflow my days. Unloading my work tote, I discover a leaf lying on the bottom of the bag.  I grab it impatiently, but on my short journey to the trash can I notice its beauty. Something makes me stop to look more closely at the leaf. It is deep burnt orange and bright crimson swirled together, so incredibly rich, like a sunset in my hand.  The crisp, jagged outline and stem, so perfectly crafted by The Creator. 


I realize God placed the leaf in my bag to draw my attention to Him in the middle of my hectic life.  The Creator and Sustainer of the universe intentionally reaches out to me with an invitation to connect with Him. So, I pause and decide to accept His invitation. I am seen, loved, cared for by my Beloved. He asks me to linger. It is wonderful to be fully in His presence. In those moments, the words from Psalm 46:10 sink deeply into my soul: Be still and know (recognize, understand) that I am Godcomes alive in me. I carefully place the leaf aside, as a remembrance of this time of heart-to-heart connection with God. 


Days later, I picked the leaf up again, but the leaf in no way resembles its previous beauty. It is an ugly blotched brown, dry, shriveled and crumbling. How disappointing!


Oh Lord Jesus, is this what you mean when you tell us to stay connected to You, The Vine?  When I take time to connect with You, my spirit is alive, vibrant, and beautiful.  But when I discard time with You and focus only on the cares of this world, my spirit quickly becomes dry, brown, and crumbled. I do not resemble the creation You intended me to be and cannot do the things You created me to do.

I am the Vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him bears much fruit, for [otherwise] apart from Me [that is, cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing (John 15:5).


Jesus, in this season when we prepare to celebrate Your coming to earth, draw us to You every moment. Help us keep our eyes and heart fixed on You, not on the temporal distractions swirling around us or the trappings of the season. Help us remember that we are the branches, and You are the Vine. Apart from You we can do nothing.

All is calm and all is bright; everywhere but in your heart tonight. They’re singing carols of joy and peace, but you feel too far gone and too far out of reach.

Somewhere in your silent night, heaven hears the song your broken heart has cried. Hope is here, just lift your head, for love has come to find you somewhere in your silent night.

From heaven’s height to manger low; There is no distance the Prince of Peace won’t go. From manger low to Calvary’s hill; when your pain runs deep, His love runs deeper still. He has always loved you, child and He always will.

Somewhere in your silent night, heaven hears the song your broken heart has cried. Hope is here, just lift your head for love has come to find you, somewhere in your silent night.

Lift your head! Lift your heart! Emmanuel will meet you where you are. He knows your hurt,
He knows your name and you’re the very reason that He came.

Love will find you! Ooh, love will find you! Love will find you.

Delight in helping women to discover wholeness in their "New Normal".