That is the difference between waiting (which everyone does at one point or another) and patiently waiting with excitement.

We stood outside on the platform in the sweltering heat. As we glanced down the tracks, we saw no train bound for Philadelphia. 30, 45, 60 minutes – well past the scheduled arrival time. I saw not only the frustration on faces of the ticket holders, but heard the verbal complaints ratcheting up, the longer the delay. We had no choice but to wait.


That is the difference between waiting (which everyone does at one point or another) and patiently waiting with excitement. Believers may choose how they wait. We can choose to stay steady and strong even in the face of extreme adversity. The Bible tells us the end game: Jesus is coming, and He has won. Soon will be the arrival of the Light of the Word, with fire in His eyes. He voluntarily paid the price, the ransom, by laying down His own life for us, even when we were far, far away from Him.


Can you hear the thunder in the distance, the roar of the angels? Through the clouds He will lead us, straight into glory. Finally, all the evil and craziness of this world will be terminated because there He shall reign, forevermore, oh, forevermore.


We can endure. Believers are offered the power to wait, by the grace of God. He offers us patience so that not one minute is wasted that God gives us on this earth, regardless of the adversity we face. As I’m writing this, the train has not come yet, but it is very close and I can see it in the distance. He will soon be coming. Amen and amen!

Light of the world, soon will be coming
With fire in His eyes, He will ransom His own
Through clouds He will lead us, straight into glory
And there He shall reign, forevermore, oh, forevermore