December 1990 was far from perfect. That Christmas had no room in my heart.

Stores full of holiday shoppers. Christmas trees with brilliant lights and ornaments galore.  The air is full of Christmas carols, Children scurry to sit on Santa’s lap. The picture of a perfect Christmas. However, December 1990 was far from perfect.  My heart was heavy with grief, trying to go through the motions, but missing my husband who died just weeks before.  That Christmas had no room in the inn of my heart.

Picture over 2000 years ago, in the town of Bethlehem many gather to be registered for the Census. The marketplace bustles with travelers, scurrying to buy food and supplies, exhausted by their long journey.  People hurry to get the last rooms available or find shelter with friends.  Amidst the uproar of the city, along come the unusual couple: Mary and Joseph from Nazareth.  Mary is ready to give birth and needs a place to rest.  As Joseph tries to obtain a room in the nearby inn, he discovers numerous no vacancy signs. Then the couple come across the innkeeper who notices Mary’s condition. He offers them a room in the barn.  Mary’s time has come. Ready to give birth, the couple settles down in a cattle stall.

There are so many in this chaotic world who scurry around the Christmas season with different emotions regarding the manger scene.  The “inn’ of our hearts seems full.  Full of pain, disappointment, sadness, loneliness, just to list a few.  We go through the motions, not taking time to unload our hurts at the manger scene. 

God entered our chaos and pain 2000 years ago to bring to us love, joy and peace. He invites us to make room in the “inn of hearts” for the healing the Christ Child can bring. 

No room, only a manger of hay. No room, He is a stranger today.
No room, here in His world turned away. No room, no room.
No room, here in the hearts of mankind. No room, no cheery welcome could find.
No room, surely the world is blind, no room.
Angels, in heaven up yonder, watch with amazement and wonder
to see the Son of the Highest treated so!
No room, only a manger of hay. No room, He is a stranger today.
No room, here in His world turned away. No room, no room.


The King born over 2000 years ago, is desperately needed today in this chaotic world we live in.

This is my favorite Christmas hymn.  However, as I listen to the song being played, I think of today’s war-torn Israel, the Holy City being bombed, and innocent lives being lost.  The King born over 2000 years ago, is desperately needed today in this chaotic world we live in. His birth offers hope to a hurting world, the Gospel of Peace, and a newness for mornings to follow. Christ is the only One Who can conquer chaos. He is faithful.


Born in humble manager, He reigns on a glorious throne above. The song goes, “Fall on your knees!  Hear the angel voices!”  Oh, how this song brings a vision of when I will see Him face to face.  Will I fall on my knees? Will I join the angel voices? As His beloved child, I know I will see Him because of His promise. My God does not break promises.

I sing this hymn with pure joy. On my knees I worship the Lord of Lords. Do I possibly hear angel voices in a choir surrounding me?


May this hymn bring joy and peace to you.  May the Lord’s power and glory be present in your lives.  With all our hearts let’s praise our Lord and Savior This Christmas Season.

O holy night the stars are brightly shining, it is the night of our dear Savior’s birth.
Long lay the world in sin and error pining, till He appeared and the soul felt its worth. The thrill of hope the weary world rejoices and yonder breaks a new and glorious morn. Fall on your knees, Oh hear the angel voices, O night divine, O night when Christ was born. O night divine, O night O night divine. Truly He taught us to love one another His law is love and His gospel is peace. Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother and in His name all oppression shall cease. Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise. Let all within us praise His holy name. Christ is the Lord. Oh praise His name forever. His power and glory, evermore evermore proclaim!